Deep in a cave, guarded by an ancient order of monks sworn to silence and secrecy, lies the fabled Movies by Minute Covenant. Since the invention of the podcast in 1500 BC, this Covenant has been handed down from host to guest for generations. This revered text contains all the laws governing the proper management, style, and permitted jokes for a Movies by Minute podcast. And deep within the ancient strictures, in the section dealing with the care and feeding of guests, is this most august precept: "Thou shalt have Crystal Beth as a guest."
Who am I to argue with tradition?
I don't know if Crystal Beth has been on every MxM podcast, but she's darn near close, so of course I had to invite her on the show. She joins me for minute 59, where we welcome Fred's brain to the conversation. She and I talk china patterns, egg techniques, and the vastly different social mores of the 1940s.
I wanted to call this episode "Breakfast with Beth and Brian" but you'll have to listen to the episode to figure out why.