Guest Appearances
Father David is the chaplain of the Movies by Mintues podcast community, appearing as a guest on several shows that examine movies in minute-by-minute detail. Below are links to the episodes he has been on to date.
Attack of the Clones Minute 117 - Happy Catastrophe
Father David's first guest appearance on a Movies by Mintue podcast came as a result of winning a random drawing. He and the hosts, Pete and Alex, have a great time talking about casting a young Count Dooku, lightsaber elbows, and the joy of a good eucatasptrophe.
Minute 21 - Godspeed, Lindsay Lohan
The dreaded Burn Book makes its foreboding debut in Father David's last appearance on Mean Girls Minute! Listen in as he and the hosts discuss the latest gossip and all the hot jams, recoil from poor hygiene, and remember why they never want to go back to high school.
Blazing Saddles 28 - The sheriff is near!
Howdy, partner! Circle the wagons and hang up your spurs to listen as Alan and Walt from The Wilder Ride have Father David on their podcast to talk about the 1974 Mel Brooks film BLAZING SADDLES. They have a blast talking about Father David's favorite minute of the movie!
M:I 2 051 - Technique of the Epnique
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to listen to this episode of the Minute Impossible podcast. In today's episode Jonathan, Chris, Eric, and Fr. David talk about pickpocketing, British slang, and some very nice hats in Mission: Impossible 2.
Minute 19 - Extreme Unction, What's Your Function?
Everyone's gotta get to work as the ambulances are coming in full. After a brief interlude to discuss sleep deprivation, Father David, Megan, and Tierney are ready to talk shop about the nurses and surgeons of the 4077th. When Ugly John loses a patient, it's time to dig in deep on how exactly "Last Rites" are performed.
Minute 20 - Latin Lessons
Have you ever wondered what a priest thought of your hairstyle? How about which book is best for a "priest on the go"? Father David reads from the Collectio Rituum and praise Rene Auberjonois's performance as Father Mulcahy. He talks about how priests get out of awkward situations and grades Hawkeye's understanding of Christian ethics (hint: it's not good).
Minute 21 - Words Mean Things! And Other Religious Teachings
Well that was fast: the chest cutter has arrived. And thank goodness because Ho Jon interrupts Hawkeye and Dish's makeout session before things get even more out of hand. You can probably guess Father David's feelings on this scene. Luckily the conversation also covers what Father Mulcahy does in his down time, religious orders, and what changes were made by Vatican II which is honestly much less awkward than making a priest watch a Robert Altman film.